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When You Love a Prodigal: 90 Days of Grace for the Wilderness

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $12.80.

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SKU: YRN36006849867 Category:

Loving a prodigal is a long and desperate journey, filled with fear, worry, anger, self-recrimination. You wait for the phone call–will it be from jail or the hospital? You plead with your loved one. You search for help. You feel the shame. You cry out to God, “How long, Lord?”

Author Judy Douglass knows these lovers of prodigals well. She is one herself and has created a large and growing community with others.When You Love a Prodigalis a collection of 90 essays–90 days of perspective on what God offers to you as you love your prodigal. At the end of each brief essay, response questions will help you process how God intends to use the wilderness journey to mold your spiritual life. You can work through it day by day, or you can read it straight through.

Judy has traveled this road with her own prodigal–reading, learning, praying, and seeking God. Over and over he continued to give her wisdom, he sustained her, he covered her with grace, and he filled her with hope. May you, too, be strengthened and filled with hope as together you discover how God will take you through your own valley.

Paperback : 240 pages
Item Weight : 10.2 ounces
Dimensions : 5.5 x 0.55 x 8.5 inches


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