Hamish Macbeth Murder Mystery Death Series 3: 5 books Collection set
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Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
Death of DustmanWhen Fergus Macleod, Lochdubh’s abusive, drunk dustman is put in charge of the local recycling centre and is dubbed ‘Environment Officer’, Hamish Macbeth smells trouble. Sure enough, Fergus, imbued with his new powers, becomes a bullying tyrant and when his body is found stuffed in a recycling bin, no one is sorry – including his long-suffering family.
Death of a CelebrityLochdubh, remotely nestling in the Highlands, is perfectly anonymous… until well-known TV reporter Crystal French races into town in her bright new BMW. And PC Hamish Macbeth, dourly wed to duty rather than the fiance who dumped him, promptly gives her a ticket for reckless driving. Outraged, Crystal makes Macbeth’s life a misery with a TV report on policing in the Highlands… but when she also rakes up old local scandals for her new hit show, Macbeth notes that someone besides himself might be dead keen to stop her. And then someone does.
Death of a VillageTrouble is afoot in the remote Scottish fishing village of Stoyre, where the inhabitants are acting kind of… fishy. On a routine visit, Hamish Macbeth finds the pub empty, the church unexpectedly full, and the very air permeated with fear. Then an explosion levels a holiday cottage which the locals call ‘an act of God’. Hamish has another theory, one that will make the national news. With the help of sharp-eyed journalist Elspeth Grant and Lugs (his dog) he begins to winkle out the truth. But Hamish’s best laid plans soon go awry when an old friend dies, a scandalous rumour erupts, and someone close to his heart may be lost forever…
Death of a Poison PenA sudden outbreak of maliciousness strikes the town of Lochdubh in the form of a rash of poison pen letters. Things turn deadly when the local postmistress is found hanged in her room… with a vicious note beneath her dangling feet. Though his superiors call it suicide, PC Hamish Macbeth pronounces it murder. But Hamish is soon distracted by Jenny Ogilvie, a friend of his ex-fiancee, who arrives in Lochdubh to seduce him. And then he’s ambushed by local reporter Elspeth Grant, who sets out to land the story – and Hamish – for herself.
Death of a Bore
Celebrated author John Heppel is known in Lochdubh as a self-important bore, prone to belittling the scribblings of the locals in his creative writing class. So when he’s found dead, his mouth oozing ink, it seems a fitting fate.trailing in their wake DCI Heather Meikle, a maneater with a taste for bachelor police constables. Hamish must rekindle an old flame to escape her clutches and pull out all the stops to find the killer.
978147212452497814721245319781472124548 97814721245559781472124562
Hamish Macbeth Murder Mystery Death Series 3: 5 books Collection set
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