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Enid Blyton’s Malory Towers 6 Books Collection Set Pack (1 – 6)

Original price was: $52.00.Current price is: $26.00.

(In Stock)

SKU: BF121744562403 Category:


Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 12.8 x 13.2 x 19.6 cm

First Term at Malory Towers:

She soon makes friends – and mischief! Another new girl, Gwendoline, is beginning to get on everyone’s nerves. Will Darrell be able to keep her fiery temper under control? Between 1946 and 1951, Enid Blyton wrote six novels set at Malory Towers. Book 1 was first published in 1946. This edition features the classic text and is unillustrated.

Second Form at Malory Towers:

Enid Blyton is arguably the most famous childrens author of all time, thanks to series such as The Wishing-Chair, The Faraway Tree, The Mysteries, The Famous Five and The Secret Seven. Her school series including St Clares and Malory Towers are the perfect books for girls who are experiencing their own adventures at school.

Third Year at Malory Towers:

Zerelda soon catches everyone’s eye for all the wrong reasons! Meanwhile, Bill is causing a stir with her horse-mad ways – and there’s a big shock in store for Darrell . . .Malory Towers, Enid Blyton and Enid Blyton’s signature are registered trade marks of Hodder & Stoughton Limited. No trade mark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trade mark and copyright owner.

Upper Fourth at Malory Towers:

Darrell finds that being head girl isnt easy at all. In fact, it can make one rather stressed on top of all the exams and activities that have to be packed into a term at Malory Towers boarding school in Cornwall . . .Another classic adventure for the girls at Malory Towers!

In the Fifth at Malory Towers:

Enid Blyton is arguably the most famous childrens author of all time, thanks to series such as The Wishing-Chair, The Faraway Tree, The Mysteries, The Famous Five and The Secret Seven. Her school series including St Clares and Malory Towers are the perfect books for girls who are experiencing their own adventures at school.

Last Term

Darrell Rivers is Head Girl of Malory Towers, and there is plenty to keep her busy.Spoilt Gwendoline is up to her usual tricks, and Amanda is prepared to risk everything to be chosen to swim in the Olympics.

9781444929874 9781405224048 9781444929898 97814052729269781405224079 9780603553363


Enid Blyton’s Malory Towers 6 Books Collection Set Pack (1 – 6) (1 First Term at Malory Towers, 2 Second Form at Malory Towers , 3 Third Year at Malory Towers , 4 Upper Fourth at Malory Towers , 5 In the Fifth at Malory Towers , 6 Last Term)




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