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Beast Quest Series 5-6 Collection 12 Books Set By Adam Blade

Original price was: $124.99.Current price is: $62.50.

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SKU: BF121744561150 Category:


Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback

(KRABB) Master of the SeaIn the realm of Gwildor, the Mistress of the Beasts is under a curse, and her ferocious Beasts are destroying the land. Tom vows to break the spell, but when deadly Krabb ambushes his boat, it looks like the Quest may already be over(HAWKITE) Arrow of the AirFearsome Hawkite has destroyed the crops of Gwildor and the people are starving. Tom must stop their suffering and free the Mistress of the Beasts. But can he convince the hostile villagers he is there to help and how will he fight a Beast in the air?
(ROKK) The Walking MountainTom is on a quest to free the Mistress of the Beasts from an evil curse. But when he arrives in a mountain town devastated by terrible rockfalls, he realises the destruction has been wreaked by a Beast as powerful as the mountain itself…
(KOLDO) The Arctic WarriorGwildors arctic people have cruelly imprisoned Koldo the Arctic Warrior. Koldo is a good Beast who wants to protect the land, so Tom sets about freeing him. But the shocking arrival of Freya, Mistress of the Beasts, brings a new and terrible danger…
(TREMA) The Earth LordFearsome Trema lurks in the bowels of the earth, only emerging to feast on his prey. If Tom is to defeat the Beast and lift the curse on Freya, the Mistress of the Beasts, he has no choice but to brave the underworld. But a terrible shock is waiting for him above ground…(AMICTUS) The Bug QueenToms quest to free the Mistress of the Beasts brings him to a sweltering jungle. There he must defeat cunning Amictus. But what chance does Tom have against the Beasts incredible speed? And what is the secret his father and Wizard Aduro are keeping from him?
Beast Quest: KomodoTom’s most challenging Quest awaits! He must rescue his mother from devious Wizard Velmal by finding six potion ingredients, all guarded by the terrifying Beasts of Kayonia. Can Tom and his companions brave the Dead Desert and conquer Komodo the Lizard King…?
Beast Quest SepronKayonia’s forests are deathly silent – the animals have disappeared and no one dares set foot among the trees. A terrible danger lurks within: Terra, Curse of the Forest! To save his mother, Tom must track down and destroy Terra, or perish in the attempt…
Beast Quest MurkTom must free the magical beasts of Avantia from an evil spell. Armed with a sword and shield from the Wizard Aduro, Tom sets off to face Arcta the mountain giant. Can Tom save his land from destruction?
Beast Quest: VespickTom has nearly reached the end of his most challenging Beast Quest! The fate of his mother and the land of Kayonia depend on him and his faithful companions. Can he defeat the deadliest of his foes, Vespick the Wasp Queen, and wicked Wizard Velmal?
Beast Quest: FangEvil Wizard Velmal holds Tom’s mother captive, and death creeps closer with every moment. To rescue her, Tom still has to find four potion ingredients. Standing in his way is Fang the Bat Fiend – can Tom destroy this foul creature, or will he finally meet his doom?
Beast Quest: MuroTom now seeks the second potion ingredient that will free his ailing mother from Wizard Velmal’s fiendish sorcery. He must battle against Muro the Rat Monster, who can command the vermin of Kay
97814083043729781408304389 9781408304396 9781408304402 97814083044199781408304426978140830723697814083072679781408307274 978140830728197814083072509781408307243


Beast Quest Series 5-6 Collection 12 Books Set By Adam Blade




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