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Beast Quest Pack: Series 6, 6 books, RRP 29.94 (Komodo, Muro, Fang, Murk, Terra, Vespick). (Beast Quest)

Original price was: $37.00.Current price is: $29.60.

(In Stock)

SKU: BF121744562415 Category:


Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 13.2 x 7.2 x 19.8 cm

Beast Quest: 13: Torgor the Minotaur
The good Beasts of Avantia are in danger. They have been captured by six terrible new Beasts and taken to Gorgonia, the kingdom of evil wizard Malvel. To free the Beasts, Tom journeys into the sinister Dark Realm, where he must first face Torgor the Minotaur…

Beast Quest: 14: Skor the Winged Stallion
The Dark Wizard has sent six fearsome Beasts to capture the good Beasts of Avantia.They are imprisoned in the Dark Realm, and it is Toms quest to save them. He and his companions must undertake a perilous journey and defeat Skor the Winged Stallion.

Beast Quest: 15: Narga the Sea Monster
In the perilous Black Ocean lurks Narga the Sea Monster. As well as preying on the rebels fighting evil wizard Malvel, Narga is holding one of the good Beasts of Avantia captive. Can Tom set the good Beast free, or will it remain trapped in the Dark Realm for ever?

Beast Quest: 16: Kaymon the Gorgon Hound
In a ruined castle in the Dark Realm prowls Kaymon the Gorgon Hound. Kaymon is one of six fearsome Beasts unleashed by the wicked wizard, Malvel, to capture the good Beasts of Avantia. Join Tom on his quest to save the good Beasts and avoid being captured himself…

Beast Quest: 17: Tusk the Mighty Mammoth
Tusk the Mighty Mammoth rules the rotting forests of Gorgonia. She terrorises the rebels at war with evil wizard Malvel and holds a good Beast captive. All the good Beasts are imprisoned and Tom must save them. Will he defeat Tusk before Malvel’s guards track him down?

Beast Quest: 18: Sting the Scorpion Man
The good Beasts of Avantia are imprisoned in the kingdom of Malvel the evil wizard. Each is guarded by a terrible new Beast. Tom’s quest to free the good Beasts takes him to the tunnels under Malvel’s castle, where Sting the Scorpion Man is waiting…


Beast Quest Pack: Series 6, 6 books, RRP 29.94 (Komodo, Muro, Fang, Murk, Terra, Vespick). (Beast Quest)




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