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When Parenting Isn’t Perfect 9780310348337

Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $14.39.

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SKU: YRN36006851818 Category:

Perfection is the enemy of parenting. Jim Daly sees and hears from mothers and fathers trying hard to pursue perfection. They listen to the best experts and read all the right books. When someone gives them a Worlds Best Mom or No. 1 Dad coffee mug, they want it to be true. And they want their children to pursue perfection, too.

Its admirable for parents to be the very best moms and dads they can be for their children. But sometimes in so doing, they leave grace behindboth for themselves and their children. Jim believes that our quest for perfection, a quest that he believes is particularly strong among Christians, runs counter to Gods own boundless gift of grace. We can become Pharisaical parents, quoting endless rules and holding everyone to impossible standards. But God doesnt want us, and our kids dont need us, to be perfect. As parents, were called to simply do our best. And when we failwhich we willwere called to try again tomorrow.

Though hes the President of Focus on the Family, Jim does not promise that his book will be a catalyst for a perfect family. But it can help point the way toward a good familyone that feels safe and warm; one filled with love and laughter. This book will encourage mothers and fathers to embrace the messiness of parenthood and show grace to their own less-than-ideal children. Jim, through his own experiences, expertise, and array of stories, will lead both moms and dads to a better understanding of what being a good family is all about.


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