Unless you want to be scared, do NOT read this book.
These tales of terror are so horrible, so alarming, they had to be bound up between these pages forever!
Youll discover The Boogerman, an oozing horror that lurks in mirrors. Youll read about Instagrave, a popular new app that tells kids how they are going to die. In Epizeuxis, youll learn what happens if you speak the name of a wait. Weve said too much already. The things between these covers are too dangerous to ever be let out. That’s why we’re warning you: stay away from this book, or else!
Of course, if you are reckless enough to open this book, then be sure to read these stories in a safe, indoor space, far from the beady, prying eyes of any birds*.
Now, on the count of three: 123SCREAM!
*Is that a crow, a magpie, or an indigo bunting behind you? Be careful. Birds will do anything to keep people from discovering the secrets of this book!
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