Author:Louis L’Amour
Publisher:Bantam H5485
Year: 1970 Print: 1 Cover Price: $.60
Condition: Very Good Plus. Light wear
Genre: Fiction/Western
Cover by
Pages: 216
Val Darrant was just four years old the snowy night his mother abandoned him. But instead of meeting a lonely death, he met Will Reillya gentleman, a gambler, and a worldly, self-taught scholar. For ten years they each were all the family the other had, traveling from dusty American boomtowns to the glittering cities of Belle poque Europeuntil the day Reillys luck ran out in a roar of gunfire.
But it wasnt a gambling brawl or a pack of thieves that sealed Wills fate. It was a far more complex story that Val would soon uncoverone that would bring him face-to-face with the one person he least wants to see: his mother. With the help of a beautiful, street-smart rancher and the woman who was Will Reillys lost love, Val must close this last cruel chapter of his past before he can turn the page on an uncertain future.
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