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Sir Charlie Stinky Socks Collection – 6 Books

Original price was: $124.99.Current price is: $62.50.

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SKU: BF121744561755 Category:


Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 27.5 x 1.2 x 24.5 cm

Sir Charlie Stinky Socks: The Really Frightful Night
At the top of a tall, tall tower with a pointy roof something is stirring. Lightning flashes, thunder roars and something goes bump in the night. Enter Sir Charlie Stinky Socks honourable, feisty, tenacious and courageous as always.

Sir Charlie Stinky Socks: The Tale of Two Treasures
And so begins the next adventure an adventure in which Sir Charlie Stinky Socks embarks on a truly terrifying quest to bring back long, lost treasure. Following a musty, dusty map Sir Charlie Stinky Socks, his faithful cat Envelope and – of course- his good grey mare, enter a scary underground world with all manner of tricks, traps and medieval puzzles.

Sir Charlie Stinky Socks: The Really Dreadful Spell
Once upon a misty morning, from the top of a twisty-wisty beanstalk, someone was looking down on to a tall, tall tower . . . Magic and mischief are afoot as a dreadful spell is cast on the forest. But who can save them before the sands of time run out.

Sir Charlie Stinky Socks: The Tale of the Terrible Secret
In the dead of night – when the wind is right – there comes a pitiful sobbing; out of the rumbling, grumbling castle and down the side of the hill . . .

Sir Charlie Stinky Socks: The Really Big Adventure
Once upon a time, there was a deep, dark forest, where monstrous trees groaned, terrible beasties moaned and wiggly woos waited to tickle your toes. Nobody ever went there until

Sir Charlie Stinky Socks: The Tale of the Wizard’s Whisper
Once upon a whisper a wizard made his way from a tall, tall tower to a castle on top of a hill.A mysterious whisper had told him that in the castle was a legendary knight who had helped dragons, monsters and kings.

9781405277693 9781405277723 9781405277709 9781405277716 9781405277686 9781405277730


Sir Charlie Stinky Socks Collection – 6 Books RRP 37.94 (Really Big Adventure; Really Frightful Night; Really Dreadful Spell; Tale of the Terrible Secret; Tale of the Two Treasures; Wizard’s Whisper)




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